Maximizing Consumer Interaction with Innovative Communication Solutions
momenTouch leverages Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology to create seamless interaction from offline to online environments. By tapping their smartphones on the designated icon within an advertisement, users are instantly redirected to a link of the brand’s choice.
This effortless “tap” interaction allows brands to connect with consumers quickly and effectively.
e-Rally Japan:
The e-Rally Japan app is a free mobile platform designed to offer valuable information about Japan, while providing exclusive promotions and rewards from leading brands. Through engaging features such as:
- Stamp Rally: Collect stamps to redeem exciting rewards.
- Hot Deals – Vouchers: Access exclusive promotions and discounts from renowned brands.
- sync.Japan: Stay updated on the latest trends in Japanese cuisine, fashion, and culture.
The e-Rally Japan app serves as an interactive channel for brands to engage with their target audience, enabling constant connection anytime, anywhere.